Česká verze English version


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Narozena: 09.02.2001

Výstavní výsledky:
International Champion
Multi Young Winner
Youth Champion of Latvia
Youth Champion of Lithuania
Champion of Latvia
Champion of Lithuania
Champion of Estonia
Champion of Baltic
Champion of Russia
Champion of Byelorussi
Champion of Ukrainia
Champion pf Poland
Slovenskej Dobermann club Winner '2002
Lithuania Dobermann Club Winner '2002
Latvia Dobermann Club Winner '2003
Estonia Dobermann Club Winner '2003
Lithuania Dobermann Club Winner '2003
Latvia Winner '2002
Lithuania Winner '2003
finalist of champion class IDC'2003 - Ex2
finalist of work class IDC'2004 - Ex3
6x CACIB, 2x res.CACIB
15x BOB, 4x BOS, 2x BIG, 1x BIS

Pracovní výsledky:
Národní test povahy IPO 1

Zdravotní testy:
PHTVL-PHPV - free,

Majitel: Kennel Livonijas
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